Hello, welcome to my humble little website.
This is the home page for my original works, audio, video, photographic and
As a composer and producer I currenty work with Singer Song
writers like Mark Hutchinson, Larry Zainer, Mark Blaze, Christina Berg and
singers Shawna Fenneli & Wanda Lapp and other creative artists through
out the United States. You'll
find samples of their work through out this web site.
As of late we've been doing considerably more videos as well as backing
tracks and remixing 'broken' projects.
Oh. If you need a great recipe for Gumbo, Schnitzel or
Hollandaise sauce you can find that here as well...Food
As a side note
a few years ago my wife, Hillary, and I moved to a small town in western
Nebraska. After living in a big city for many years it was time for a
change...so we did. (a loud cheer !!!)
Let me add that both my wife and myself have lived in different parts
of the world throughout our lives. I spent my childhood in France (Orleans)
& Germany and have, as an adult, lived at one time or another in Colorado,Texas, Washington,
Georgia, New York (city) Chicago, Frankfurt and a little time in England.I
suppose I've been lucky to have seen a bit of this world that we all live in.
hope this gives you a some small idea of what this website is about. One other
thing, my nick name is Max.
So you'll see and hear me refered to by that
name but in the end 'c’est moi'
Michael (Max) Schuberth